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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 20, 2017 6:00am-9:01am EDT

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thank you for watching "fbn:am." lauren: with that, we will say good morning to the rearguard aroma. maria: good monday morning. i maria bartiromo. your top stories at 6:00 a.m. on the east coast good congress confronts comey. fbi director james comey headed to capitol hill where he will get rolled over the involvement in the presidential election. the battle for placing obamacare. the parties working together to improve the legislation and it will clear the house vote later this week. >> we're always making improvements. one way to describe what's going on, legislating. we are not actually doing this behind the scenes, making people vo for it. we are listening to people. the president is right. he is the one. we've never had this before. maria: confirmation hearings
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begin for supreme court nominee, neil gorsuch. the latest on capitol hill, now. firefighters in boulder, colorado battling a wildfire. the place first in hundreds of residents out of their homes. we at the latest development coming out. the hacking thread has saks fifth avenue now. the luxury retailer says customer personal data has been exposed. what you need to know if you shop there coming out. general motors taking a page out of netflix playbook, using prescription subscriptions to appeal to the millennial spirit of oil prices weigh in on the broader averages. as you can see market in q2 up and down this morning. in europe, look at the marcus is one with a similar situation done it order papers. london down one half of 1% on the cac quarante in paris. the nikkei average in japan closed for holiday. the other majors as you see fractional move good hang seng and recorders of 8% and hong kong. record-setting weekend for disney. beauty and the beast broke docs
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office sales. the opening weekend above expectations. one company showing how disney films are not just for kids. princess themed bikinis and time for spring break your german talk about it, dagen mcdowell. recon capital ceo kevin kelley and kirsten catlin -- kirsten haglund. dagen: good morning to jimmy chow clan who died over the weekend. let's start remembering and honoring our icons while they are still live rather than after they're gone. maria: you are bright. is is an importa we cannot just today. later on thursday the vote for the health care package. coming up this morning, organization exit -- eric strong, special exclusive
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interview with eric trump coming up this morning. department of law professor and author of electoral dysfunction, alan dershowitz is with us again this morning. grover norquist is here. we will walk through the tax package that we are expecting this year, plus the present of the chicago federal reserve, charles added is here. the first time the fed is speaking out since the move in interest rates last week. we want to hear what charles evans has to say about the move in interest rates is dean. our top stories fbi dirt james comey to testify in front of the committee on allegations including russia's involvement to the u.s. presidential election and donald trump's wiretapping claim. yesterday house intelligence committee devin nunes and senator ted cruz address expectations ahead of the hearing. watch. >> we are excited about this because for the first time the american people and all the political parties are paying attention to the threat that russia poses. we are going to highlight that. will highlight the fact we know
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the russians were trying to get involved in our campaign that you have for many decades. they're also trained to get involved in campaigns around the globe in europe. >> they need to be looked into seriously. open investigations in the senate intelligence committee and house intelligence committee. next week and fbi were comey is testifying. we need to find out what the facts are. maria: mike rogers also asked to testify. kevin kelley with us this morning. when you think about this? comey, is he going to shed light on allegations that process about the election and collusion which i don't believe >> one of the interesting aspects that will come out is comey will say maybe there was some interference with russia, but there was no collusion. one of the reasons we think he says that is because we saw james clapper, on who was the head of the dni, talking about how he sees no evidence. there is zero evidence that the
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trump campaign as well as the russians colluded together. i think that is very important. he held his post all the way to the end until january 20th. it's highlighting how democrats have undermined democracy in trying to put the blame elsewhere. if we remember, donna brazile kept denying that she was swaying favoritism by giving her things. the democrats have made a much ado about nothing. there is an allusion here, the russians may have impact that and possibly hack the democratic national committee. maria: is amazing how different the story and the idea that there is collusion when everybody from clapper, moral has said there is no collection. dagen: president obama's former cia directors said that there might be welfare, but there is no fire. that is almost the exact same quote from republican senator tom cotton over the weekend. no fire here, not a camp fire, candles, not a spark of any collusion.
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however, you do have president who started a separate fire saying it had been wiretapped by president obama. it has gone on and on over the weekend. sean spicer's assertion based on judge napolitano is reporting that britain was involved in that cause enough for her for the weekend. again, stop talking about it to put it out. it should comey and says there's no wiretapping, i don't want to hear ather word about it from anybody in the trump administration. there's so many other things they need to get done. >> it is such a distraction. a lot of the investigation has not been televised. it is not been presented before the public. this is. that is signaling on two counts. a place for democrats to signal to their very, very liberal, people pushing these interest groups so they can vent their grievances and say we are doing some in. but also signaling are
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republicans. republicans in congress need to make sure their base feels like they are pressing the back of the debate so they seem independent. this is a way for them to show we are bringing in director comey, making sure we check out claims come i get an answer so at least they can show that they have tried to hold his feet to the fire and gabriel answers so they can move on with the rest of the agenda. >> republicans want to get involved because how was it mike flynn's name came out he was speaking with russians. you are not supposed to spy unless you have a warrant or what have you. there's a lot of issues because the problem is we do have a lot of holdovers from the previous administration did do seem to want to undermine a lot of the trump administration is trying to do. career bureaucrats trying to protect their jobs and political interests. they are really going after that aspect of this and that is why it's going to be good for them
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because they will question the other side of the aisle of what their true intentions have been. maria: the leaks really have been extraordinary. you suggest that there's undermining going on within the intelligence community. dagen: that there were transcripts of the conversation between flynn and the russian ambassador of the were widely circulated to some reports in washington. ain, that is against the law that this has been released because of the conversations mike flynn has. >> one of the reasons my claim is under attack as because he been an outspoken critic of the iran deal. the previous administration wants to keep that as a legacy. when you have a huge critic like michael flynn come out and constantly attacked the iran deal, they saw him as a person and they needed to remove. they did not want him in office.
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a lot of dynamics happening but we know there wasn't collusion between the trump administration. no smoking gun is they've alluded to. i expect that to come out right now. when clapper says that, he had set the 16 member intelligence committee. he would know what comey knows. maria: he said it many times. the g20 was also quite notable this weekend for finance ministers agreed with stephen mnuchin that we will be against several. stephen mnuchin has been clear we want for trade, not only free trade. so they drop a certain line in their communiqué and this is the first time his counterparts are meeting with him. >> it's important to highlight. even wilbur ross is highly that it hasn't been a two-way street.
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they are attacked at an extremely high rate for countries are protecting their own interests. their products could be sold above ours. that is a big issue. trade has evolved as we've seen, so why don't we have that can update our trade pact. dagen: this could rattle markets then all went to other things. the 10 year treasury is now higher than the yield is higher than the dividend yield on the s&p 500. the big front page story and also small caps have been underperforming this year, which is a sign from some investors that the trump agenda is on the run. maria: that was the first area for marcus to take off. dagen: election day and end of the year. >> the most important thing to note is that signaling robust growth happening because janet yellen even said that last week. dagen: that's one opinion.
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the opinion is down they become more attractive to stocks. maria: by which a pitcher money and big risks when you could get the full backing of the treasury. dagen: i think she had a bunch of red flags. in terms of the atlanta fed reductionist growth rates expecting the first quarter will grow less than 1%. >> 2.1% growth rate this year and line but they haven't up their growth rates yet but they did raise rates. maria: good point. i will bring that up with charlie advance. we also point out that tony sayegh is coming up, the spokesperson for stephen mnuchin. >> the other thing this shows is the fact that he did change the language shows just how much even though this is a new administration of america is the greatest economic power in the world. the confirm weight around and expect people to move.
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>> we do account for 75% of the gdp. >> america has been trying to stay back. now they are doing so -- does this economic optimism as far as we negotiated trade agreements. maria: one of the top of guy to get to as the health care bill. we'll see if it goes to the vote on thursday in the house. i size convoy that donald trump over the weekend saying i just came out of a meeting. 10 or 12 senators were no. so he basically said that there is a meeting on friday that he was able to turn 12 senators who are now on the health care bill to yes. kathleen morris rogers said they are going to get the buy-in from conservatives. dagen: they are making tweaks for the very conservatives and for middle-of-the-road conservatives.
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bigger handout for older people in low-income americans will make this cost more. also work requirements for medicaid is something people on the right really want. >> is interesting because grandpa was a huge critic and he was handing out part of the deal to republican lawmakers. he was doing it last week. dagen: i have many bones to pick with rand paul. maria: we will get to the bones for grandpa coming up. fox business is taking you live to feature this morning and fbi director james comey testifies in front of that committee. we will have that bias. stay with us. wildfires in colorado. crews battling massive flames. we've got the latest developments coming next. high-end retailer saks fifth avenue, customer data exposed to the breach. what you need to know if you have shopped there. back in a moment.
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maria: welcome back. a wildfire burning near colorado. cheryl casone with details and headlines. reportergood morning, maria. fire crews working into the night. they been able to contain half of the fire last a downtown. they are burning on trembling out powerline guys that kospi is >> a lot of people in and out of there. we know there's a lot of trees and there's a lot of trade the campsites in that area. they're speculating the fire had
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some sort of human cause. reporter: presidents of 400 homes have been forced to evacuate. some now fear the worst. >> i thought for sure we were going to lose the house. i grabbed my bag packed and the most essential things that i needed to the water. reporter: resident in 900 homes have been told to leave if conditions worsen. we'll keep you posted on the story. the headlines this morning, another blow for uber. jeff jones calling it quits after just seven months on the job. his leadership approach is simply inconsistent with what he saw happening with uber. he recently worked as chief marketing officer at target or before being brought on by travis kalanick last fall to boost the reputation. he said in a statement, we want to thank jeff for a six month that the company and wish him all the best. uber has been battling
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controversies ranging from sexual harassment to travis kalanick within the rating a uber driver. saks fifth avenue. saks fifth ave. in everett and expose personal information of its customers online. the breach reported by busty latina addresses, phone numbers, product and are based on 10,000 shoppers visible. the parent company hudson bay has been taking down the remission of his only son e-mail addresses were affected. one tech analyst says this is about as bad as it gets when it comes to breaches. finally, though it may not feel like it in some parts of the country, today is the first day of spring and you can celebrate with frozen freebies. one per person they been doing this for 25 years by the way. dairy queen giving out free soft serve cones for the dirt annual free cone day.
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i will leave it for you. 6:29 a.m. spring officially began. maria: that's great. i love that. it happened at 6:29. great, thanks, cheryl. snap's rocky debut may become a less than picture-perfect. subscribe to the new service from general motors to pursue behind the wheel for a hefty monthly fee. the price to ride in style coming out. back in a moment.
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maria: welcome back. i'll be right for snapchat with the highly anticipated ipo from one of the next big thing.
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the ipo balances the excitement of investing in ipos and stability of reducing exposure to the volatility of newly public companies to public companies patronize those renaissance capital principal, kathleen. thanks for joining us. first off, let talk about what happened with snap. what do you think went rock? >>tock trading had a lot of enthusiasm. we would say that it's kind of gone right and put safety or in investors minds about chasing stocks like that to levels that may not be supportable. there's a little bit of positive price discovery with the snap ipo right now. up only 15% from its ipo price of no reason when it went public. maria: how're ipos doing in general? >> there are two sides of the market. returns an issuance. the returns were very, very strong year over year. the index that our atf managers was up 22% year-over-year.
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those returns then put the enthusiasm into the market for investors to come in and issuance started to pick up. we went from the doldrums of 2016, the worst issuance activity since the financial crisis to a much better environment now. issuers are starting to open up and we'll see more ipos than we would like to see not run up to the sky. trees don't grow forever. >> the lead-in said you guys manage the dictations through the vehicle you have. basically how do you do that? do you own snap? why? if you don't, why? >> it's a basket of 50 of the most liquid ipos. what that does is that moderates the risk of single stock ownership. in the case of white the etf nssnap was included, so it is now one of the top five issue is. it was one of the largest most liquid ipos this year.
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the benefit is that all the major indices do not own these themes. if you want to relate on the overall stock market, you can have the absentee, but also note there is a vehicle where you have other names that will take several years to be included. facebook two-tiered two years to be included in the s&p 500. dagen: the story of "the wall street journal" that we mentioned earlier that small stocks have been underperforming up 2.5%, less than the broader market after a double-digit gain between election day in the end of the year. does that hotel for ipos? >> ipos do exist as companies. that is going to be an issue. the benefit, however the reason we have seen a big rally is there is an expectation that corporate taxes will be lower
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and if so that his at the heart of the small mid-cap company. we saw a special run up an expectation of that. nowadays though we get back and those companies actually really pay taxes to the full rate as opposed to very large guns. so we think that it is tied to small mid-cap. maria: so look forward for us. but as they look like in the next week in the next couple of weeks and how will that impact markets? >> the luxury parka maker canada goose last week an enterprise softre company deal soft. what is happening with snap? we think it will be a wake-up call for issuers such as the consumer branch. we've been waiting to see soul cycles, getty coolers. we think if you're a private investor of those companies come you can't help but notice what happened with canada goose. but the technology space and energy software in particular, we think that will be a wake-up
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call for companies like talent to your common spot aside, possibly the firm dropbox. we think some of the larger unicorn will start that. dagen: that companies like canada goose and yeti coolers are so specific in terms of what they do and it's not much of a broad reach in terms of whether canada goose in terms of just selling code. >> that it's a very important point about how specific they are. when it comes to the consumer space, it's been a very difficult space to be in. the department stores are challenged. e-commerce is taking over. i think in terms of the ipo market when investors are interested, they will be the specific names that have a high profile which is the canada goose had and we expect to see
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yeti coolers. maria: does decide to go public this year? >> we think it should've gone public long time ago. >> they didn't have a cfo for a long time. dagen: they had some problems they needed to put to bed before they went ahead with the public offering. >> it had a lot of capital available to them. maria: on the private side. so why go public? kathleen smith from renaissance. when we come back in the three american soldiers shot and wounded in afghanistan after what appears to be an insider attack. cuba open for tourism, the travelers may not be interested. why u.s. airlines seem to be giving up on the island. back in a moment. ♪ go back to that time, it in the good old days --
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everybody thanks so much being here i am maria bartiromo welcome back. it is monday, march 20 first day of spring, happy spring everybody top stories right now 6:30 a.m. on the east coast, about the secret service high liter security beefed-up at white house after several security scares, over the past week, including one person who claimed to have o. >> three servicemen shot and
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wounded after afghan soldier opened fire in afghanistan, latest on war on terror coming up more than 50 years of regulated demand not there airlines are cutting service to cuba, so no demand to on demand breaking down gm inscription plan. >> expecting lower opening from broader averages dow industrials nasdaq s&p 500 down even fractionally in europe similar story endless down detonator of a a percent, on ft 100 half percent on cac quarante in par kis asia overnight mixed performances japanese markets closed to holiday, march madness living up to name, watch. >> the south carolina gamecocks, for the first time -- in history -- the sweep -- >> my bracket, duke's loss busting brackets all over the country it wasn't the only major upset of the weekend
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yeah, breaking down sweet 16 coming up, a challenge all this time box office this weekend how "beauty and the beast" able to bring magic to theatres and money princess and beast how disney -- could soon be part of your world we will tell you about it top story this half hour, a war on terrorism, officials in afghanistan, are calling a shooting, that wound three u.s. soldiers inside attack afghan army soldier opened fire on three americans at base, helmand province gunman shot and killed thesold's injuries unclear joining us is former a customer. uss cole, good to see you thanks for joining us. >> good morning, thank you for having me on. maria: what do you think this means for u.s. operations in afghanistan now? >> i think it is going to continue to emphasize that it is very delicate situation over there, but the u.s. needs to remain engaged to help stabilize to kin, and grow the military. so that they can in fact push
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back against the taliban and secure a true nation for themselves. >> i am glad you brought in a up what is the main way we're going to address the a taliban we have had a hard time we have been there so long. what is the plan going forward? and can we come to a point where of a gap government can have their own troops, militia that we can effectively hand over because we have more troops in afghanistan, than we do in iraq right now. so what is the plan going forward? >> a great question, and i think that we continue to remain engaged with the of a gap government, continue to them them grow instruments of government so people throughout the kin begin to have confidence, first in the central government and power that they can extended to be able to protect them, the second thing we need to do is talk with pakistan, let's face it pakistan is still giving shaven to the taliban and their country, and that has to stop. the pakistani military in intelligence service directorate need to be held to
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account even if that means doing strikes in pakistan to eliminate safe haven areas we need to create conditions for the afghan to say succeed i think we are still doing that. >> this is christian hag rubd he invited president of egypt to white house coming in to work on relationships with the middle east do you think, what is your feeling, your sense about how countries like pakistan like egypt saudi arabia feel about the trump admistration, and do you think that having a new leader in the white house is going to help solve some republicans to get better partnerships so we can create a stable afghanistan. >> i think unlike previous 8 years you are going to see president hands on engaged, going to want to work with these kinds truly comes down many ways if you look at his book, art of the deal, it explains a lot about his thinking the way president
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trump is going to do business. it is very good to see that he has engaged a number of world leaders, and now that he is beginning the engagement process in the middle east, he is going to sit down with them going to say look, here are he america's priorities to help you, how can we help you, what do you need from us, how can we build a better and more stable world, and how can we ensure that some of these problem areas that we're having with iran middle east especially, how are we going to engage with them to make sure it can get stabilized with syria. dagen: dagen mcdowell where do you see troops levels a year from now in iraq and afghanistan? higher? >> i am not sure where it is going to go, i think going to depend on somewhat of geopolitical situation, when you look at iraq the iraqis have to invite us back in again, we have to have a status agreement that allows forces to operate in that country without fear from iraq trying to arrest them hold them accountable with afghanistan we need to
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continue to engage if we have to go there in order to have a more stable s situation in both cases i think we do that but especially with when engaging with issis especially iraq syria. >> upper commander on uss cole under attack by al-qaida october of 2000 bombing in yemen harbor killed 17 sailors injured 39 others last week a judge set 2018 trial diet for man accused of plotting that attack why has this moved so slowly. >> first and foremost i look at it families patiently put up with fact 17 years by time goes to trial almost 18 years to go to trial, a lot of it has had to do with maturation, of the military commissions process, to hold people like the cole buying mohamed others in 9/11 attacks about accountable for what they did we are researching a point where we are done, we are done
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with these defend lawyers continuously arguing, little details that don't need to be argued, the discovery process is over we are going to lock it down going to move forward hold them accountable for the horrific deeds they did hopefully convict them ultimately sentence them. >> what do you think about the white house now growing concerns about three incidents just the last couple of days, on saturday secret service did he contained man claimed to have a o bomb in his car, then early in the day a man arrested jumping over a braked on he pennsylvania avenue on march 10, 26-year-old man with pepper spray able to breach outer priment of the white-collars does secret service need steps to improve security how you you should secret service change things around given new concerns. >> maria when you look at it this is clearly, a continuing indication that the secret service is still dli with systemic problems how they run their operation how they react to things, i meanest from what
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i have seen talk to people, the alarms went off, they were ignored, questions need to be asked and why. and i think we are reaching a point with secret service, especially given the heightened tensions in the kin right now when it comes to secret service you fail to protect the president, in any manner, you don't get counsel you get fired! some agents need to be held accountable for how they are doing their job, because the vast majority of them want to do their job right want to protect the president, want to do what is necessary to ensure that that particular area of the country whether white house here in washington, or whether it is down in you palm beach with facility down there you southern white house we need to ensure our president regardless of fact of the matter i affiliation says safe. >> for sure dagen you asked about troop levels in the next couple years do we know where that 54 billion dollars in terms of increased defense spending is going to be allocated toward in terms of is it troops?
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is it technology, i know our navy and army are -- they haven't been updated in decades. dagen: broadly speaking will go commander can comment on this to readiness, our troop readiness, and also, the equipment i mean whether it is weaponry or no that -- we have spent so little money, our gdp, in terms of our defense spending, as a percentage of our gdp has fallen to 3% today. maria: wow. dagen: it was close to 5% around the time president obama took office, so in any case worth noting. maria: yeah, a great point. >> you snow maria when you look at it you have to remember, this is not a plus of 54 billion dollars it is making up loss ground for 200 billion dollars that the defense department has. absorb in cuts since 2013 squeezin
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sequestration all services first and foremost given opportunity for input to president's budget said we need money to maintain what we have and then grow, across the board all the services are looking at how they can best use that money to first, man train and equip what we have, then grow the force from there make up for some short falls we have experienced. maria: good point, good to see you, sir thanks so much. >> thank you. >> command joining us there a short break when we come back subscribe to luxury gm rolls out a service to let you ride in style for a monthly fee details on latest plans we hear from millennials next disney not the just for kids the new be keep you oni line will make you feel like a princes. back in a minute. ♪ can i get some help. watch his head. ♪ i'm so happy. ♪
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gentleman welcome back markets are pointing legislator to look dow industrials expected down 20 points, today, we've got a move in yields, as well to talk about we are watching shares of deutsche bank this
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morning, bank reportedly cutting bonuses to nearly 80% of staff last year, the cuts part of another rough year for deutsche bank reported ill loss 2016 down 2 1/2%, qualcomm "the wall street journal" reporting chip maker debuting new product focused on lowerriced cell phones in merging markets says product beginning shipping second quarter will bring faster wireless service to phones qualcomm shares down better than 11% this year 2017 more airlines reducing flights to cuba details on that. cheryl: good morning, everyone. , so six months since u.s. airlines operating regular commercial flights to cuba frontier silver the latest to cut service, jetblue american announced plans to reduce service to cuba last two months. frontier going to end one daily flight between miami and one half anna june 4 citing operating costs as a reason
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cost more than they thought, one ends with 21 round trypt flights a week apparently overestimated demand for flights as well as cost of operating to cuba. >> gm testing a 1500 dollar per month on demanding service for cadillac cars suvs testing in new york might expand it program traded out of cadillac 10 million dollars up to 18 times, per year, whether people are willing to treat personal transportation like netflix, temporary on demand to benefit ownership there is the chart of gm. >> a weekend at the box office -- >> you must -- it is alive. . he is back. . >> disney live action remake
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of famous fairytale opened with 170 million becomes biggs opener for march ever 7th highest grossing film all time a summer movie in march dropping down to number two you had another kong, 29 million dollars, 20th century fox, third place 18 million followed by get out, 13 million, and rounds out top five 6 million big for box office, back to disney for ladies want to show off inner princess there is a new line of bikinis for you lounge at the beach wearing swimmer matches different disney princess, above water version you can choose, are a pun zell -- let princess in you glow not many plus sizes yet for adults we are talking
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about this in break, not affiliated with disney. so. >> they could use princess -- >> well, i fuzzy they think they can, if princess inspired but plattant being no off as snow white. >> end up getting a letter from disney. >> how can you swim with crown on all those. >> not included probably. >> miami because women wear -- bikini either like to put that out there. >> breaking news right now president is tweeted this, james claer and others, stated that there is no evidence the president potus colluded with russia fake news everybody knows we will follow the story as it develops the president just tweeting out something that he we have been speaking be former head of cia james clapper said, a number of times at this point, that there is no evidence, of any
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collusion between trump administration and russians about presidential election, coming up talk about a bracket buster march madness lives up to nam look at sweet 1 next back in a minute. yes? please repeat the objective. ♪ thrivent mutual funds. managed by humans, not robots. before investing, carefully read and consider fund objectives, risks, charges and expenses in the prospectus at
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maria: welcome back. breaking news right now esident is tweeting again, this morning, this is whe is saying right now president trump, the democrats made up and pushed the russian story as excuse for running a terrible campaign, big advantage in electoral college lost president talk brurng story this morning ahead of jim comey testifying today a day ofups in ncaa jared max with details of the madness of
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march rolling on. >> happy spring. maria: you, too. >> spring ahead for south carolina, fall back for duke, coach and guys outs if your bracket looks like this, this morning, probably time to rip. rip it up! south carolina coming off first ncaa tournament win in 44 years, facing secede duke gamecocks trailed 10 in second half p.j. takes contact gets the shot to fall. south carolina up 1 after free throw second, gamecocks up 4, hits from downtown south carolina builds that lead up to seven, down to two minutes left duke is down 10, and jason at a timem separation time puts up 3 nothing there, south carolina moments after is going to seal it after duke gets within 7 the two handed jam, look at that south carolina dancing in sweet 16
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beat duke by 7 points face baylor on sunday. duke not only number 17 to get knocked out yesterday, louisville is done. the wolverines of michigan look at guys go, derrick walton showing hfl off skills buries setback three, later in the half, michigan up 4, the pump fake the layup scores career high 26 points, less than 10 seconds to go michigan up 4 separation time for louisville michigan wild ride, continues. 73-69 wol rooepz face oregon thursday ducks final seven appointing beat rhode island duke final four pick at you of 8.3 million brackets. >> march madness on ncaa, maryland freshman, slocum against west virginia, check that out, almost 75 feet two
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handed shot, slocum gets it in crushed him knocking out mountain ears with easy march madness louisville, back contagious of "new york post," black and blue -- >> thigh about duke. dagen: -- under my shoe geowhy duke. dagen: anybody who is a fan of acc team, i went to wake forest my father to university virginia, i would root for tar heels before root for duke. just -- duke. >> crazies they call themselves can be object noxious if you are opposing team michigan celebrate that, four days -- >> -- then -- water gunfight after point of view. >> then story the win again yesterday in phoenix -- 500,
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all of a sudden the tire hit wall causing us aboutsh to slow down neuman swooped in for win -- take on jared get -- nascar take on it that would be, of course, the fabulous dagen mcdowell. dagen: so sweet, what happened was there was a caution, and ryan neuman did not take down caution led to win i know ryan and wife, they are stellar individuals, so that was a big win for them. maria: were second week in a row. >> laganos bushes last time gave loggano a whack blood on forehead no fight this time. >>. dagen: no penalties after that fight beautiful race attract. >> i know that robin o'neil was there as well. maria: really. >> on instagram --.
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>> does have a lot of beautiful things going for it. looking for -- >> just saying, beautiful family is out there. maria: aha is in a i am here. >> yeah. >> no, we will find out by the end of the show you the so much, sports report fox news headlines 24-7, who is richest of them ail forbes unveiled top billionaires of the world for the first time back in a minute. ♪ ♪ and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage. fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage. this is one gorgeous truck. special edition. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's ve.
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ooohh!! aaaahh!! uh! hooooly mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. it's truck month. get 0% financing for 60 months plus find your tag and get $5500 on select chevy silverado pick-ups when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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. maria: good monday morning welcome back thanks for joining us. i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, march 20, happy spring top stories right now 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. judge neil gorsuch heads to capitol hill today will mark the first day of confirmation hearings to fill seat on sproement, senator ted cruz weighed in on the vote. >> they don't have good arguments against gorsuch but furious going to have a he conservative nominated confirmed i will tell you this judge gorsuch will be confirmed. >> a busy day an capitol hill fbi director comey facing the house intelligence committee, over the allegations of russia meddling in the election president trump tweeted moments ago, about that hearing, here is what he said, james clapper and others
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stated there is no evidence potus that is president of the united states colluded with russia this is fake nice everybody knows it, the democrats made up, and pushed the russian story as an excuse for running a terrible campaign he goes on, the president says big advantage in electoral college and lost the latest ahead of hearings this afternoon. >> inside look at trump organization executive vice president eric trump weighed in on what life and business is like without his fae at the helm, plus forbes with billionaires list we have it first find out where some big names from last year landed plus who is number one, at this point. markets pulling back lower oil prices weighing in glob stocks a fractional move we are excting lower openinfor broader averages down 10 points dow jones industrial average. >> markets in europe indices similar story ft 100 cac quarante. dax weaker the cac quarante and dax down a a third of a a percent right
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now, in asia overnight, mixed pochlz markets closed for holiday the others as you see mixed there, plus, amazon capitalizing on push into fashion how retailer is looking to help you pick your next outfit. "sesame street" gets a new resident julia we tell you about it this morning, joining me to talk about it fox business network dagen mcdowell recon capital partner kevin kelly. >> krchristian haglund good to see you -- >> huge because fed raised interest rates, and he is known to be more dovish does he see two rate hikes or three what does he see in economy janet yellen said it is robust. >> said going to be gradual i want to bring up what you brought up earlier, that is stephanie told us last week, my favorite economist
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mentioned tax receipts down. >> the fed thinks first quarter will grow less than 1% thinks federal reserve made a mistake raising interest rates the market is ahead of itself. >> i think paralyze timed markets complete update every signal going given jobs inflation wages picking up, volatility is low, they had everything even the 10 year treasury moving up giving them every signal i would push back on that we will see what charles has to say. >> i will add this, if it is all contingent on what happens out of the trump administration, not just health care bill, but tax reform, tax cuts becomes a bigger question mark as days wear on. maria: all about policy talk about that this morning coming up this morning joining us exclusive interview with trump organization executive vice president eric trump, this morning, talking about his life since father became the
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leader of the free world, americans for tax reform he grover norquist here assistant secretary of treasury for public affairs going to give us lowdown on g-20 meeting. >> chicago fed president as you heard here to talk economy former nfl linebacker, you don't want to mays moment stay with us big two hours coming up, it is a busy day in washington today senate judiciary committee to begin hearing of neil gorsuch to become a justice of the supreme court to replace justice scalia died february last year republicans are confident in confirmation, watch. >> i think it is 50-50 whether the democrats filibuster they don't have good arguments against gorsuch but furious that we are going to have a conservative nominated and confirmed i tell you this judge gorsuch will be confirmed admitch mccondition
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mcconnell said we will do whatever is necessary democratic filibuster will not succeed. >> we are not going to get a filibuster going to get gorsuch confirmed before we leave in easter recess. >> on fox news, joining us right now healthiered law professor emeritus a alan dershowitz with us good to see you thanks for joining us. >> going to be hard to see dems push back that much they praised judge gorsuch in 2006, right he got a hundred percent confirmation for last appointment have things changeded? . >> no thon thing tt changed he is eminently well qualified so is merrick garland i think democrats feel this was their seat to fill the only reasonable argument they have against this they have no argument, on the merits against gorsuch he has all the qualifications, to be on supreme court, he will be
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confirmed, tut democrats will make some noise about the fact that this was a vacancy during obama administration republicans stalled prevented it from being filled by -- the president, and so that is going to be their objection, but in the end gorsuch will be confirmed the issue whether delayed whether trying to delay it so he won't sit on travel ban case if it comes up and there is a 44-split i think the play of democrats they have no reasonable anticipation that they can stop this nomination from going through it is a very strong nomination on merits. maria: dagen what chuck schumer is quoted in on oed, mr. schumer said this or gos ignores may act like a neutral calm judge he sxrefs a lot of empathy sympathy for less powerful but in reality the judge harbors right winning agenda is that true. dagen: the democrats failed to mention, some of the decisions where judge gorsuch
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ruled against corporations and business interests, and the editorial in journal goes into this, could rockwell, the judge ruled if favor allowing decades long class action over whether nuclear weapons plant contaminated land with leaked plutonium a long list against korlgs are republicans going to have to use "nuclear option"? and get -- >> i don't think so. >> basically, change the senate rules so they could confirm gorsuch with just -- >> not this time. not this time they may have to use it next time the next vacancy if a liberal justice will shift supreme court this one simply reaffirms justice scalia for judge gorsuch a wash, where i think, senator sense of humor i know and like, is wrong i don't think you should evaluate justices based on whether korps win
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labor unionize win look at every case, liberal justices the sames side with corporations conservative justices look at cases gorsuch kind of judge looked at record of the case, and evaluates it, on the merits, i have my own -- i have one concern for him, he does elevate religious rights over other rights, and he does see for example two people have a similar objection to something one based on religion one on philosophy, he would prefer the one based on religion to me is an approach that i don't think so is consistent with the constitution but a number of justices have that approach, and so you know, there are reasonable disagreements on the merits, but in the end he is well within the mainstream on all these issues and will be confirmed unless -- unless i mean his to lose, and he is a very careful man not going to do anything at the hearing they are going to ask how he is going to vote on the travel
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ban, of course, going to say i can't comment on that, a case before me you want to try to get me recused of i don't want to be recused of i want to be able to sit on that case i don't think we will hear a lot how he would decide cases in the end i don't think the supreme court is different can when he gets confirmed it is the next vacancy that really will matter. >> kevin kelly, isn't one of the reasons he may get confirmed views on chevron lega-- tds to empowethe ecutive branch more, giving you know, preference to agencies, don't democrats want a justice in there who actually is against that policy because he could go against this current administration. >> yeah, but you know all depends on how the case comes up, what the context is,ing everything is case specific. and i have seen cases, too, where judges when in the court
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of appeals, ruled one way that bound by precedent then get to the supreme court and say wait a minute we are the precedent we get to decide these cases now you get different judgments so predicting how nominees will vote is a hazardous intertaking justices surprise us all the time. >> can you tell us about the conversation. >> having a nice dinner with my wife and creates ruddy editor of newsmax president same over snoozichmoozing. >> i was in mar-a-lago having dinner with a friend i did not know for sure president would be there president came over vice president came over, told me that -- he believed in my integrity watched me on tv the president came over we talked about the secretary of commerce came over it was you know i expected to have a nice meal in mar-a-lago suddenly --
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we enjoyed it very much we discussed a variety of subjects, the president said he watched me on tv, and enjoys watching me, and agrees with me sometimes disagrees with me i told him i didn't vote for him, and he said if i could get this guy dershowitz to vote for me next time would be accomplishment never voted republican before and i said look it is uphill but i have open mind we had a vnice exchange. >> that is great alan. >> happens go to mar-a-lago for dinner, great to see you thanks so much. >> thank you. >> we have breaking news to get to president fr tweeting for third time this morning here is what he is saying right now, the real story that congress fbi others should be looking into is the leaking of classified information must find leaker now. again, the president has tweeted quite a bit this morning, on the russian hearings jim comey russia allegations now on leaks so we continue to follow what the president is saying this morning, coming up record-breaking masht rallies
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setting inside highs for ceos the pay raises executive american biggest companies taking home good to be a ceo again i guess why some game pieces will not be in play any more, back in a minute. wars.
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maria: welcome back a man fire bombed house in baltimore killing at least two people cheryl casone with details. cheryl: maria, good morning to you, well police in baltimore searching for 26-year-old antonio wright said he threw two molotov cocktails deliberately into a house killing two teenagers, six others injured in the fire that happened early saturday morning, officials are offering 12,000 dollar reward for information leading to his arrest. well, another success for space, about company turning a capsule to earth with full load of space station samples par kuds into pacific off southern california coast released by astronauts onboard international space station 5 1/2 hours earlier happening today, the carrying more than 5,000 pounds of supplies currently there is one frenchmen two menz three russians board the space
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station is in a good to be ceo, pay raises back in style in corner office thanks to run-up in prices, "the wall street journal" reporting will medium pay 104 biggest american companies rose nearly 7% to 11.5 million dollars, that is a post recession record hulu enterprise megawhitman doubled salary at 35 million a year hasbro noufbd winners of monopoly, the toy company had 21 day vote to pick three tokens for game, emojis things like that, 146 countries during monopoly token, the winners are the -- a stack pretty good, has pro has fans a good chart rubber "ducky" t. rex penguin big
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winners a little controversy other been around since 1903 a lot saying don't change the game but let's move on. maria: i have given up on symbol. cheryl: one of those too. >> "wall street journal" did article saying people were so mad. >> i think come back health care battle test up another part of president trump's agenda to jove haul the system trump administration post presidency insight from my conversation with eric trump coming up stay with us. whoa, this thing is crazy. i just had to push one button to join. it's like i'm in the office with you, even though i'm here. it's almost like the virtual reality of business communications.
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including depreciation. and if you have more than one liberty mutual policy, you qualify for a multi-policy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. . e . maria: health care debate is raging on capitol hill but there are new questions, about can when president trump will
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get to another major campaign promise, that is tax reform the he commander in chief addressed plans speaking with fox news jesse waters over the weekend. >> we are going to bring business down to 15 to 20% from 36, and 38 and each higher than in certain instances, with highest taxed nation in the world, we are going to bring taxes way down, and for little income we are also getting rid of brackets from 7 to 3 or 4 brackets, it will be the biggest tax cut kins reagan probably bigger than reagan. >> joining is right now talk more about it americans for tax reform president grover norquist thanks for joining us. >> i think probably 20% on corporate tax rate, just because, that is the house plan, and house with white house press secretary sean spicer told irish newspaper sunday independent tax reform could begin late spring do you think a tax package by august as promising us do you think retroactive to the beginning
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of '17. >> i think we will as early as august, because the effort to repeal obamacare is actually going quite well, the house republicans are coming together, on a couple of amendments and we should roll that out, within a mter wes. then it goes to the senate, where they will have a few things they want. but once that is solidified, full-court press on tax cut as you say the president opened bidding at 15 republicans got it down to 20. tough to see it going below 20 not impossible but i think it is likely to be a corporate rate 35 to 20, individual rate down to 33. and 16 1/2 percent top capital gains tax come together there will be debate on trump house republican plan, but just as with health care trump and republicans came together on
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health care now convince rerecalictrant members of the house, senate will look at it same thing on tax he reformer a trump republican freement in house will go to senate. >> kevin kelly the cover of "barrons" said kill border tax before it kills us. is this going to get through he seems like a big boondoggle main argument in this article was that you can cut corporate welfare. >> one question how do you cut move to territorial tax system bord you been juifiable corporate northbounds tax allows to you permanently get to a tax system like rest of the world we tax activity in the united states, but don't try and tax individuals businesses outside united states, it made it very difficult for american companies the way we do it now, while we need to get rate down we also need to get to territorial system we need a
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structure that will make that easier adjustable does that it could play into -- the issues of protectionism, right now, i think it is the likely half house, senate president go on, but there will be a robust debate on how to get the rates down, and how to simplify the code. dagen: in terms of of the as you described them rerecalictrant republicans on health care bill are there more are they more vocal than you expected again, a lot of them don't sound like conservatives. >> well, i think we have to expect exactly what happened when trump and the house republicans put out their plan, always people who have an idea i mean not maintain spirited they have idea didn't get in they want to relitigate why didn't my idea get into the larger package, some people want to be in
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newspapers say remember me, and that is understands standable that is legal okay. but then there were also some who view stake out a position announce more conservative than ever, to criticize the trump republican plan cuts spding 1.2rillion a decade taxes by 900 billion he reforms medicaid by block granting it gives us hshared too not to recognize that as one of the most conservative pieces of legislation this town has ever seen, i am always for improving whatever we do, and so the questions raised by at the freedom caucus the republicans steering committee fine questions, and negotiations that are appear to be moving ar changes in the package, that trump and the republicans are -- >> so i understand like you think we are going to get something to raise revenue whether border adjustment or
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vat or something, sounds like you think they are going to bent on doing a revenue raise also lowering corporate taxes. >> the reason for that is that border about adjustable rate a hundred billion year, a trillion dollars over decade. >> that is part of paying for 3 1/2 trillion dollars of tax cuts, part of it done by reducing, the -- expected revenue that happens in fixing antibody care by a trillion dollars gives us another trillion, the 600 billion that we got by making at the he extenders permanent almost a trillion dollars in dynamic scoring you need more resources if you did not take rate down to 20 border adjustable or something like it fits? >> great to see you thanks so much we appreciate it. >>, up next take you inside the trump organization one-on-one with executive vice president eric trump in a fox
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news network exclusive that is next. this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's five. ooohh!! aaaahh!! uh! hooooly mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. it's truck month. get 0% financing for 60 months plus find your tag and get $5500 on select chevy silverado pick-ups when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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tree into welcome back to monday morning come everyone. thank you for joining us. it is monday, march 20th, your first day of spring. president trump takes his message right to the people appeared the commander-in-chief will tackle the gop rally. he's going to kentucky as they rally for their health care plan today. what we expect to hear coming up.
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as the president rallies this country, their families working hard at the family business. i spoke with executive vice president eric trump to get a inside look after what life is like after his father went to the oval office. >> unita politics, we said we are not going to expand anymore internationally. we are not going to do in international politics. it's a big piece of what i did in don did in the company. it certainly changed, but the right thing to do. trade two. trade to mourn my exclusive interview with eric tron. the battle at the billionaire spared the first look at orb's richest list coming out. marcus this morning looking lower. features indicating a decline of about six points on the dow. we are off the worst levels of the morning or this is just fractional loss this morning and of course anythi can change in the next two hours before the market opens similar situation not of the
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list of the morning. nonetheless negative territory. in asia overnight, the japanese market is closed for a holiday overnight and batteries old as you see it as a fractional move elsewhere. versus morning come inside the trump organization, i sat down for an exclusive interview with eric trump come executive vice president of the trump administration. the second son began by telling me about life since inauguration day. >> had enough you can put into words. it's amazing and exciting, fine. >> after the inoculation, you are very vocal that it would be a real separation. you are writing -- you are running the trump organization now. how often is it your father? >> i speak to them a decent amount. wiki perfect separation of church and state. it was something incredibly important in common incredibly important to me. from a practical standpoint, he's got the biggest job in the world. see what they are talking about in terms of border security, you
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know, building a wall, rebuilding our military. the amount of money out of the budget every single year. these are the biggest things that the world. these are millions and billions and trillions of dollars worth of deals. we are a great company, but quite frankly, he's got much bigger fish to fry, so we are back in new york. believe me, i will always be his biggest cheerleader taking great care of the company and he will take great care of this country and it's a great combination. i miss him honestly. he always sends out these great notes on a piece of paper. hey, great job with this. this proje will be amazing. you may see in those notes, but at the same time you look at the magnitude of the things he's trying taclish. it was just better the lives of you and mean and all americans and the next generation of americans and everybody else in this incredibly special.
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maria: how is your business changed ?-que?-que stion-mark you've taken on more responsibility. >> well, we have an amazing company. we focus on buying the best assets and around the world, the best hotels, best golf courses. commercial buildings, residential buildings, wineries, et cetera, et cetera has changed. in light of politics we said we will not expand anymore internationally. we are not going to do many international projects. it's the right thing not to be building buildings in china. there's a lot of money coming back to the u.s. in terms of tax revenue and everything else. but at the same time, i think jury in eight years, and i will say eight years that he is commander-in-chief, it is the right thing to backup those projects and really focus on coming to know, domestic. maria: so you stop any new property development overseas as a result of your father being president. just reading about your new dubai property. >> which is open a new dubai
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property, golf course, a great building in vancouver. an incredible hotel in vancouver in canada. with properts in ireland, scotland and south america. we are really all over. our distinct focus will be back in the u.s. right now and we will focus on though many great markets. we just built on miami, which is an amazing property. we've got properties in chicago and las vegas. we have properties in hawaii. obviously, all over new york and all across the country. maria: how do you identify what the next growth spot is for the next trump organization? when you look around the country, how do you know this is where we want to grow? >> yeah, i think it's got. i think it's intuition. there is certainly the factors that go into it. you see a place in places that are reducing taxes, trying to incentivize businesses to come in. those are always the places that do immensely well. look at florida.
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look how well the state has done. why have they done well? they have low taxes, and incredible quality of life. real estate prices aren't astronomical, meaning you could move from a state like new york into florida. you've got a much bigger bang for the buck, et cetera, et cetera. a lot of the states that are focused on the priorities can reducing taxes, fiscal responsibility, quality of life, et cetera. quite frankly they have been losing their tax base and that is very, very sad. >> this is a situation where your father has to get this right. this is one area where he will be vulnerable to criticism that there is a shared situation between the private business in the country's business. people don't want to see a family business when it comes to the country situation. how do you walk that balance ?-questionstion -mark because obviously, you are a trump. your name is there and everybody knows that as the president said. >> we take that incredibly
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seriously. we have ethics trustees, ethics advisers and ethics counsel in-house. we take that very seriously. maria: you've hired new people since the election. new-line six officers. >> of the process we taken incredibly seriously. if we grow slower over the next four years because we have to restrain ourselves a little more, that's fine. we said no new international deals while he's in office. at the end of the day the biggest thing in the world is a presidency of the united states. you know how much we care about 10 and this nation, and maria: how do you think about doing things globally at the same time your president, the father of securing borders and putting america first and the globe second. >> well, listen, i don't think one and two are contrary to one another.
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when people beat the system committee can be. we may do a project globally, but all the money comes back to the united states. that's a great thing for the united states. a lot of companies can i configure 20 including many of the biggest companies in this nation that will go off and do a project overseas and all of a sudden they park all their money overseas and they are taking it an edge of lower taxes and shell company here and there. i think it is also unacceptable. what is the one detractor from parking their money in the u.s.? ridiculous taxes. ridiculous taxes and we shouldn't do that. we should be pro-business environment. that is what my father wants to achieve. he wants to see foreign investment coming to the u.s. he wants to see if we build our roads, airports, and diced in our companies, and create tens and tens of thousands if not millions of jobs. he's sick of seeing american
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jobs flee this nation. it's crazy. 75,000 factories. in thousand factories picking up the statistics better than i do. 75,000 factories have blessed this nation since nafta, in the last 15 years. think about that. how long does it take before country goes under, before you have no jobs. it's a scary proposition . he did need this job. you and i have talked about this a million times. but when he sees that happening and median incomes have a gun up in country in 15 years and thousands and thousands of jobs going overseas in a country that is no longer making anything, you pass a factory that is boarded up and shuttered. why should we be doing that in the u.s.? why should we be making these in the u.s. and making television and iphones in the u.s.? why did these other countries have competitive advantage over us where the best workforce, the best people and the smartest people in the world. we should be doing it in the
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united states. politicians have been holding us back. maria: you are speaking a lot about what is going on in terms of policy. you've heard a lot about politics because you're always the business guy, then i see the world differently. >> that's funny, going back to iowa, you have the whole delicate system and this and that. i remember being in a car, driving around the states at the beginning and they explain this to me, explain how this actually works. here we are year and a half later and this is a great example of figuring it out. we figured it out very quickly. forget about politics. i am passionate about red, white and blue and this country. maria: ewan donald trump junior are splitting duties. have you break out positions? >> dawn and i are incredibly close. we spend every weekend together, our offices are right next to each other. save with ivanka when she was in the coany.
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we are always smiling. the five kids will run up and down the hallways. maybe call it the new next-generation of kids running around. maria: that's a different setup than we've ever seen before. obviously, the president came into office. he built a company and grew it, and you and your siblings have been there. it's not like he can just turn around and say i'm putting everything into a blind trust like other presidents have done. you do have to walk a balance in terms of how you manage this. >> would make that harder is this the only -- these are living, breathing properties. these are hotels people are walking into each and every day. that is what the american people elected. they elected amazing businessman. my father is the best of the best. maria: how do you think this country will different four years? >> the skies the limit for us. we are company that is very low.
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we are a company that can expand to many different fields. if we want to do a golf course, we can do that. if we want to do another winery, we can go off and do that. maria: at the company you can do that. >> whatever it is, if is, a five-star space or a four-star space, if we want to do nothing, we can do that as well. we have tremendous opportunity. maria: what i want to know and what viewers want to know, are you a buyer or seller. people vote or the real estate market is going. >> there's so many markets. it's hard to talk about real estate from a macro perspective and should you buy, should you sell. there are markets in the u.s.a. may be inflated and they would probably be great residents. in every market you have a little hem and haw. the great thing of being a 21,000 days that is a really good thing. there's a lot of discretionary income out there and real estate will continue to demonize them.
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at the same time, you see the adverse effect of oil prices. for instance, less russian oligarchs coming into new york city right now because when oil prices were double what they are right now, there is a lot more discretionary money that a lot of the country comes into the u.s. same thing with, quite frankly, china. maria: you mentioned russia. everyone knows how i feel about the whole russian narrative they keep throwing at the administration. we are in trump tower right now in the most recent story was wiretapping of russians. would he think when you hear this? >> is a ridiculous. it infuriates me because i understand this company better than any human team in the world. we have no projects in russia. if we are projects in russia, we like having our name on her buildings, including trump tower right now. it is a little bit maddening. here's the narrative. a third party lost on election
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and they needed to put somebody else down and they perpetuate there is zero truth behind it and it's very sad. maria: is m-a-lago the winter white house? >> i like the name. i don't think all presidents use their free time the same way. if my father can bring the president in china there, the prime minister of japan there, whatever it may be, whoever the war leader may be at that time and he can be at the amazing how thin he can be great friends with these people. they can know each other not as world leaders sitting across the desk from each other with conflicting interests, but as friends and people they can count on. that is an amazing thing. he can bring him out on the golf course and do the same thing. that is definitely to the benefit of this country in the interest of this country and there's no person in the world who can do that better than he can.
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maria: aric, it's great to have you on the show. thanks for joining u>> thank yo. maria: ago exclusively inside eric trump's office. stay with us as we continue. we will be right back. retirement journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. call us or your advisor t. rowe price. invest with confidence. i'm raph. my name is anne. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here, we're here, and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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maria: welcome back to a dear rescue effort taken a dramatic turn in new jersey. cheryl casone with the story. reporter: the right intentions on this would be at risk are trying to rescue a deer stuck in a frozen pond for nearly a day of residents were very worried. an amphibious vehicle and five responders finally goes out there and sank in the middle of the rescue, forcing rescuers into the freezing cold water. luckily, none of them were injured and a deer with safely pulled from the water as well. well, the kid show "sesame street" about to introduce a new character. her name is julia and she has autism. julie has appeared online and in print as part of the sesame workshop initiative called "sesame street" and autism, see amazing and allldren.
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they will be on the show april 10th. the "sesame street" creative team behind julia worked with autism organizations to get advice on the best way to normalize autism for all children. amazon is becoming fashionable. a new feature for prime numbers called out sick compared. upload to photos of outfits you are considering wearing. also southeast of yourself. you'll receive a response from a team of experts and which looks better in you. if you're worried about privacy, only delete your images at any time. basically here's two pictures of me, help me out. which people like myself sometimes made. maria: all right. >> is a fun game of who were at best. [laughter] maria: who were basking in the army. who tops the "forbes" list of the richest people in the world. i not next on fox business world. stay with us, next.
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maria: welcome back gate we've got the big reveal. today's the day "forbes" is revealing its annual billionaires list of the richest people in the world. we find out right now with the drumroll, please. coming in a number five with a net worth of $56 billion. mark zuckerberg. $21.3 billion, nancy ortega is number four. coming in at number three with a net worth of $72.8 billion, just based those, founder of amazon. the number two spot, warren buffett. and number one with a net worth of $86 billion, the founder of microsoft, bill gates at number
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one. $86 billion. joining us right now on the first time fox business managing editor at "forbes" media, luisa kroll. good to see you. thanks for joining us. if things change, something stay the same. >> they do. this is his fourth year in a row. 18 out of 23 years he's been number one in the world. maria: what i think is so outstanding about bill gates if he will go down in history as giving away close to $100 billion is >> he is well worth over 100 billion. maria: he will be known and that will be his legacy. more than the fact he created microsoft. how do you come up with this? what is the collective net worth of the billionaire list? tell us the metrics you look bad. >> we look at everything. if people understood how big our team is around the world, especially for this defense is global.
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we are partners in russia, turkey, vietnam, helping scour the people in getting financials. we have a huge team in new york who help us and we just look at any kind of financial we can get hands-on. sometimes people send us their bank statements. sometimes they give is absolutely no information when we look at their sales and compare their metrics to other publicly traded companies around the world. maria: i remember a couple years ago the magazine had a fight with print ali. he says you weren't looking up the right tricks for him. >> well, a lot of people are happy with their numbers. either they think we are too high or too low. we keep doing it and this is our 30th anniversary. maria: wow, congrats. i love to look at it. >> there's always some surprising things. for me, once the world's richest person is now one of the top five for the first time. so it is fairly notable.
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jeff bezos from amazon is the biggest gainer. he was up over $26 billion in the past year. there is always a lot of change. there's an interesting newcomers. i have young kids -- well, fairly young kids. the creator of shock and come a popular toy in the u.s. an australian who is a newcomer. maria: we had that on this list. that's a very popular toy. >> is the biggest lie of 2015. maria: making the list at 544, we know the president has been on this list before. do we know how much the president is currently worth? >> he is worth according to s. 3.5 billion. he is down 200 million from a year ago. actually 200 million from the fall when the track and for the "forbes" 400 that is largely due to the one mile radius of new york city where he has a lot of assets. trump tower, nike town.
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use up a net operating income set properties drop. other properties like mar-a-lago are actually doing quite well given the new business. maria: we will leave it there. great list. thank you so much. the latest issue of "forbes." luisa kroll joining us. but the decision to raise interest rates could be the first of several this year. implications of president trump's policies on the fact. chicago -- the chicago federal chicago -- the chicago federal reserve chairman will join us next. "mornings with maria," will be back in a minute. and big data. but i found so much more. ( ♪ ) it's really a melting pot of activities and people. (applause, cheering) new york state is filled with bright minds like victoria's. to find the companies and talent of tomorrow, search for our page, jobsinnewyorkstate on linkedin.
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back. good monday morning thank you for joining us. i'm maria bartiromo it is monday, march 20 top stories 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, congress contronts come committee fbi director headed to capitol hill where he will get grilled over alleged story that russia was involved in a presidential election, the president's claims of wiretapping. >> the president doesn't go and physically wire fan if you take literally it didn't happen i think the concern that we have is that were there any surveillance activities that were used. >> -- i hope we can put an end to this chase what the president said was pat ebtly false, and the wrecking ball it created now has banningsed into british allies german allies he needs to put an end
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to this. >> confirmation hearings beginning for president trump supreme court nominee, judge neil gorsuch very latest from capitol hill coming up, inside look at trump organization this morning, executive vice president eric trump showed me around the offices highlighting one favorite memento from father we bring it to you the hacking threat, the luxury yee retailer saying experimental data exposed what you need to know. >> markets this morning pulling back fractionally we are off the lows of the morning take a look dow industrials down 4 points, oil prices, are down that is weighing on stocks across the board, take a look european indices not far from break even level as well very similar story here, with cac quarante the worst performer dax down a he quarter of percent update on exit from european union teresa may saying will trigger article 50 march 29 to begin process big news spoken about quite a bit
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in markets today, march 29 is the day theresa may will trigger official beginning of the exit of britain out of eu, in asia overnight mixed performances the market japan closed holiday there, as you see there, and taking a trip to see history how you can tour the wreckage of the titanic, we've got the story this morning, joining the everythings k, this morning trump organization executive vice president eric trump, is going to tell us what life is like post the president taking office, his father assistant treasure for public affairs with us he is official spokesperson for steven mnuchin treasury secretary president of chicago frer charles evans with me to talk triple digits what he is expecting for 2017 he former nfl linebacker don't miss a moment. stay with us we've got a big hour ahead. it is a big day in washington, today james comey set to testify, you on russian hacking allegations with judge
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neil gorsuch beginning supreme court confirmation hearing blake burman with us. reporter: good morning to you topic of russia that is drawing the president's attention this morning, a series of three tweets that he has already sent out, they go by the following, the eeting ou james clapper others stated no evidence the president colluded with russia this story fake nice everyone knows it the democrats made up pushed the russian story as excuse for running a terrible campaign, big advantage in electoral college lost the real story that congress fbi and all others should be looking into is the leaking of classified information, must find leaker now, those tweets come as fbi director james comey is set to publicly testify on capitol hill before the house intelligence committee that committee chairman nuñez said over weekend he has seen no evidence that eithtrump tower w wiretapped or conclusion
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between trump folks and russia. >> there was no fisa warrants that i am aware of to tap trump taxpayer. >> have you seen evidence of inclusion between what i call trump world associates of campaign officials, trump world and the russians, to swing the 2016 presidential election. >> very simple answer, no. >> also today on hill confirmation process, begins for neil gorsuch he will appear, before the senate judiciary committee later this morning. back to here at white house maria yet another by these day bill gates here iraqi prime minister will be here, paul ryan also has a magnet with the president on this day, the president, ends the day going to kentucky for a campaign rally. is this is pint where i reminded you where it is only 8:00 on a monday morning here at white house. is we will see where this day week will take us. maria: exactly. >> thank you so much, things moving fast for sure, stick byes fox business network is
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taking you live, to the hearing when gi director james comey testifies in front of the house intelligence committee 10:00 a.m. eastern we will have a live coverage of that hearing this morning. stay with us. the top economic power struggles to find common ground in first weekend at international forum treasury secretary steen mnuchin ritsdz the president's concerns to g-20 finance officials u.s. has a bad deal from the current global tradealable to fend off a push to reject protectionism, the lder did not reach an agreement, two days of negotiations ended in stalemate joining me is the spokesperson for treasury secretary mnuchin the assistant secretary of treasury for public-like afavors tony fayed congratulations probably first time with us post new position. >> indeed, thank you so much for having me. >> yeah, i am happy you are here you had a trip to germany for g-20 tell us how it want. >> secretary's first foreign
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visit, so included stops in london where we met with chancellor of the exchequer. >> prime minister very gracious to stop by meeting meet the secretary as well we met later, with governor carney from bank of england then berlin ahead of the g-20, i think secretaryman moon sfornld a very strong relationship with finance minister of o germany, of the g-20, and our destination participated with finance minister. >> i want to ask, he has had a leadership roll in terms of international sxhiekz first, you mentioned theresa may said hello to your group treasury secretary we got news today, that she is going to use march 29 as date to begin this exit om btaino you see an impact to u.s., i'm sorry the exit from european union i do
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see an impact once britain leaves european union on the u.s. >> all of these are obviously topics of conversation that we participated in during much g-20, and 18 bilateral meetings we have a special relationship with ukkic, prime minister may indicated clearly that see that has intended to do this by end of march, we will watch work closely with them as they try to make this transition. maria: that is one of the priorities, right, for your team, and for wilbur ross a bilateral with uk trade deal isn't that right. >> sure, but the key point that secretary mnuchin made during this is that we don't view multilateral bilateral trade agreements as mutually exclusive clearly everything on table in these regards the other point as relates to trade should get a lot more visibility if he thinks trade should be a win-win situation. the united states has historically been the most open trading market among biggest trading market very competitive in what we offer
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our trading partners by way of terms we are just looking for a situation, that more balance that or i workers our products our businesses have the same ability to play on even-playing field that is what was really emphasized by the secretary, over in europe. maria: that is what i want to talk about this morning, because there has been a lot of discussion, this weekend, about the fact that the foreign finance ministers wants a line in the commune kay that says we will reject pro technical shunnism reject any appearance of protectionism didn't make it into commune kay because of the pushback wants fair trade not necessarily free trade he said u.s. is always out there at disadvantage that is right. >> we want balanced trade clearly there are times in history, and n today embrace the open trading market however there are some agreements that we have to reexam, to make sure, that the american worker does not get
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hurt. by our fair trade policies from our vantage point we are looking for just an even-playing field, i do think, that the ministers reached consensus on trade language supports free, fair balanced trade significant at g-20 i think secretary mnuchin was able to smfl maneuver because of the fact that he did have such a good by lateral relationship with so many of the finance ministers counterparts overseas aside from as mentioned earlier, the clear program of the g-20 conference secretary mnuchin made it a point to have 18 bilateral meetings with colleagues one-on-one forging the policies we call, personal diplomacy important building blocks for future progress the administration is couple months old right now we have a long time to work with these partners, and i think secretary mnuchin took a humongous step forward
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building that personal relationship good will over this trip. >> 18 bilateral meetings one-on-one, you said forged a special republican with -- from germany tell us about that as i mentioned we stopped in berlin had first press conference in berlin on this trip. this was the result after a by rat rally meeting individual meeting between secretary mnuchin finance minister ministers history is amazing started he serving since 1970 led reunification efforts of germany in the late '80s, early 90s somebody i think secretary mnuchin had tremendous connection to, really was sincerely moved by his story with these, and men able to not just have formal meetings after went to dinner in berlin together one-on-one, it was clear, that the two of them decided to embrace each other as partners trying to move the world global economy
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forward most important part of this conversation maria was growth economic growth in united states, also globally growth. maria: really important point to make that is the one thing that i think these markets are looking at priority of this administration, being growth, has just sometime ladies markets, new conversations, throughout america. with 18 one-on-one meetings, tell us where the most onerous relationships are, i mean, what will be the treasury secretary priorities in terms of figuring out where the growth opportunities are, and relationships are. >> i think obviously leaders have to lead, and there was a complete embrace by many. including finance minister for the united states historical role as a leader, in world finance and economics secretary mnuchin made it clear to counterparts that in america we have 3% growth economic growth that is very well received. then, created larger conversation, of an among some
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countries who may not agree necessarily with us on all our policies but that should be focus of the 20 strong industrial economize gba growth. >> how should we expect policy to change given conversations at g-20. >> important starting point, because again as i indicated, i think when you talk about the long term, these are the counterparts the partners the nation that is we have the most successful and important republica republicans with as far as world economy finance it created a confidence i believe that the united states has a about rational economic policy promoting strongly that even in differences we can work together to resolve and so important tones this is the tone that i think the secretary and president trump are clearly going to take to her to partners at g-20, this summer. which is the larger meeting of the heads of state and government, of the g-20 countries. maria: interesting that president has been meeting
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with some counterparts yet angela merkel here treasury secretary moon with german finance minister we have a shot of you off air force one i thought cool this was your first trip with treasury secretary how was it for. >> i it was first of all, that is not air force one it is i believe, air force plane some point -- >> air force two. >> air force plane amazing honor maria we know each other for a long time obviously public service one of the first things that he motivated me in my career and life, so the opportunity to serve, the country d th adminiration, in particular there treasury secretary dynamic interesting forward thinking they want to get things done in this white house one of the reasons i was most of the to leave a lot of what i had to join them, and it was it was a thrill. >> are they able to get this he tax reform package in place by august? >> everything is standing on shoulders of the objeamacare
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replacement with you confident on timeline secretary mnuchin told us about. >> very confident temperament august when we want it by working toward respectfully of the fact there are players in this fight from the hill and other agencies within the administration, but we are work strongly together, to move forward but this is the priority of the secretary sustained economic growth that comes from chang tax code making tax rates more competitive helping middle income americans get relief they need helping small businesses grow, all of that happens through the tax code so this is certainly something we are focused on, entirely. maria: you think the rollback of regulations is going to be as powerful as it relates to moving the needle on economic growth as well. >> a combination, as you know the president idea to role back regulations given the treasury secretary, about 120 days i believe to come up with a -- specifics of this order
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those are going to make sure that we don't have redundant regulations that stymie growth job a creation. >> we kresh it tony fayed from u.s. treasure we will be right back. this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's five. ooohh!! aaaahh!! uh! hooooly mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. it's truck month. get 0% financing for 60 months plus find your tag and get $5500 on select chevy silverado pick-ups when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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friday night claiming to have -- explosive device in his car being interviewed no details released on that this was after another individual was arrested earlier on saturday jumping a barrier in front of the white house that rultsdz in a full lockdown of the complex both follow another incident a man allegedly jumped security fence on property for over 16 minutes, while the president was inside -- i guess president trump's mar-a-lago mansion claims that he gave secret service agents a selfie the president's private study, secret service beg to differ say that was open -- nice try, with all this security -- prompted chaffetz of utah chairman of house committee on revitalize government reform to meet with william callahan and secretary john kelly they are going to discuss all incidents, today. >> well another high level
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executive has left uber joins uber six months ago from target was president of ride-sharing uber, responsible for marketing, customer support the company, has been hit by several trovs including allegations it ignores he sexual harassment that video went viral, of of of sakservice fifth avenue, the e-mail address phone numbers applying information 10 of thousands visual on web site the brand apparent company has at an down information says quote, addresses were affected, finally for all of you that love titanic anything, you now got chance to see titanic up close you got to have a lot of money to do it a company called blue
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marble is taking tourists to the wreck for more than 100,000 per person what is interesting he kwalz 4250 titanic partners paid for first-class ticket first and last voyage adjusted for inflation trips begin next year for nine people, wherever you are. >> cool, i love this story a great story would you do it. >> no -- >> why not? >> what are you getting from it just -- >> history. >> just what i thought. it is down here rusty i can't see anything, people -- bottom of the ocean. >> water. >> i. dagen: i want to point out i am not kill joy this morning. >> i would do it. >> this morning -- to go down why not?
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>> a short break when we come back part two of interview with eric trump the executive vice president behind scenes in his office post becoming the leader of the free world full speed ahead interest rate hikes chico frv president talks about whether another increase in rates before the end of the year back in a minute. the command performance sales event is here. experience exceptional offers on our most refined models ever. get up to $2,500 customer cash on select 2017 models for these terms. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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communique. maria: trump tower symbol multibillion-dollar trump organization home base of operations part two of interview with eric trump a firsthand look behind curtains. >> how did it start your great
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